About Us
tx.com.cn is China's largest mobile SNS site. Created in March 2004 and originally named Waptx, it became a mobile SNS site in July 2007, and changed its name to tx.com.cn, with the aim of creating an entirely new, forward thinking platform of mobile communication.

Company headquarter is in Shanghai, with offices in Beijing and Guangzhou as well. The team number nearly 100 in total, and include some of the top specialists in technology, management and market development, as well as numerous other experts. The company's innovation and hard work has created a new world of wireless communication for today's youth.

Currently, the main demographic that uses tx.com.cn are 16-25 year olds, and consists of students and young professionals in major cities. The core value of tx.com.cn, for these members, is to ‘keep in touch with new friends, meet new friends and expand one's social circle whilst having fun’.

tx.com.cn provides users with personal ‘space’, which includes blog and photo album, friendship groups and societies; all for free. The site offers free site news, chat rooms and friend searches, which enable users to narrow their criteria according to city, town, gender and age; users can also express their own personalities on their personal spaces, thus allowing them and their friends to create various forums and chat threads based on their interests and hobbies. Users can also use the site as a way of keeping up with their friends by sharing information and opinions with each other. tx.com.cn is an surefire antidote to boredom, where users can meet other like-minded people and begin new friendships and communicate their ideas to people they would only have the chance to meet via this web service.

tx.com.cn's unique selling point: each member can simultaneously express their individuality whilst being part of a community. They can engage in one to one or one to many others communication in a variety of interesting and entertaining ways.

you can search tx or tx.com.cn in Google or Baidu to find more information about us.

Thank you for your support!

TX wireless Group
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